Jordan Gough

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Global Summit 2024

In a strategic partnership, Fight the New Drug (FTND) aligned with the PHASE Alliance team and the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) at the onset of 2024, significantly contributed to the branding endeavors of the Global Summit to End Sexual Exploitation.  This initiative saw FTND employing its expertise to enhance the Summit's visibility and impact through the development of professionally designed branding assets. Among these assets were meticulously crafted T-shirts and stickers, conceived to unify participants under a common banner and promote the Summit's pivotal message. The culmination of this partnership was evident in the successful hosting of a series of conferences in Washington D.C., in August 2024. These gatherings drew an impressive assembly of over 550 leaders and stakeholders from various sectors, all united in their commitment to eradicating sexual exploitation. The agenda focused on addressing and strategizing against the complex challenges introduced by emerging technologies, specifically their role in perpetuating sexual abuse and exploitation. This endeavor not only exemplified FTND and the PHASE Alliance's dedication to fostering a safer environment free from exploitation but also highlighted their innovative approach to leveraging branding and collaborative efforts to amplify the reach and effectiveness of their advocacy.

Jordan Gough
PHOTOS Rebecca Franson, Alyse Frogley, Molly Hogan (NCOSE)
OTHER Malouf Foundation & PHASE Alliance